The Power of the Mandatory NOW
A homeless youth comes into my office seeking to escape the torture of sleeping in shelters and other people’s hallways. He is only 19 and sick of selling drugs and being hooked into the gang culture, but ultimately, he is tired of being tired. He wants to suddenly find himself transported and living in a brand new reality. In his mind, he has determined to go to Job Core NOW, but the process says he needs to go to an interview, organize finances and get documentation. Due to a miscommunication or lack of listening, the process develops a minor kink. In frustration, like an angry rapper he starts jumping up and down, with his arms flailing he explodes into a colorful display of explicit words, venting his frustration with tears running down his face. No rationale can calm this poor boy down. He wants the solution and he wants it NOW. A 39 year old male, whom I know well, pounces on me while walking down the street early one morning. He yells at someone to watch and he pulls my goatee r...