Homeless, Mentally Ill and Marginalized

May is Mental Health Awareness Month , so I've been writing, thinking and praying about mental illness in the homeless community. It saddens me to know that people struggling with mental illness are marginalized. It also saddens me to know that people struggling with homelessness are marginalized. So when a person struggles with both mental illness and homelessness, the marginalization runs very deep, and also saddens me. Recently, I've written about 5 different issues I believe cause and result in this crippling marginalization in our modern world. We have to remember that these men, women and children live real lives; they live each day with real names, real faces and were born from real mothers, yet they are so often cast aside, neglected and victims of hate crimes. I believe these men, women and children are who Jesus would call the "least of these" in our modern society. He would be with them, and is with them, in their midst! These men, women and c...