Movement of Irremovable Rejects!

I'm not just speaking about the "least"; I'm speaking about the "least of the least" I'm not just referring to the "homeless"; I'm referring to the "chronically homeless" I'm not just talking about the "sick"; I'm talking about the "frightfully sick" I'm writing about a group of people who gravely exceed the normal bias and prejudice that the majority of the homeless population receive. I'm delving into a group of folk who even homeless people "love to hate"; an isolated section of society that is scorned without remorse. I'm speaking about individuals who seem to face greater adversary, rejection and humiliation than any other section in modern day America. It is the sad reality that many of these folk have been so alienated, that most homeless shelters even reject them, causing them to sleep outside in parks, on trains, under viaducts, in abandoned buil...