Responding to Our Unjust "Powers-That-Be"! (A BridgeBox Devotional)
*Dozens and dozens of men, women, and children marched up and down the street holding signs and chanting slogans like "Uptown for everyone" and "Housing is a human right, not just for the rich and white!" Our alderman, the elected official who presides over our part of town, had caused a ruckus again. He was in the process of preventing a Salvation Army truck from coming into our area to provide food and other vital services to those most vulnerable. Even though they, (our friends in the Salvation Army), had been serving our community for years, the alderman felt they weren't worthy and it was necessary to push them out. He was actually succeeding in doing just that, until many in the community rallied together, marched in front of his office and changed the outcome. This, of course, presents an important question: what does it mean to live out the Biblical mandate to respect the people in charge, when you need to directly oppose them? I work with and li...