Focus On The Good

Focus on the good, not the bad! Look for the good in others, not just the wrongs they've done. As Bryan Stevenson says, "Each of us is more than the worst thing we've ever done". I have tried to live this way, but admittedly, have not always succeeded. I have tried to not dwell on the worst, to not let them ruminate in my head. I have tried to forgive, to see unchartered potential and help people redeem those worst moments into something good, something redemptive, something that can bring healing and hope into this world. I've spent over 2 decades working with those experiencing homelessness, where most people I encounter are labelled or judged negatively. They are called and deemed crackheads, bums, criminals, thugs, and the like. Sometimes that's all they hear. Sometimes that's all we want to see. What saddens me is, that when we focus on the negative, it tells people they are worthless and they struggle to see their own worthiness. When we focus on neg...