How Emergency Responses Affect Those Experiencing Homelessness!
“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” ― Maya Angelou Whether people want to admit it or not: Homelessness, poverty, and the need for housing are severe problems in Auckland and Chicago. In response to what I've seen and experienced, I've been writing a post about 7 Differences and 7 Similarities between the 2 cities I've lived and worked in . After realising writing this will be a long journey, I've decided to post each "difference" and "similarity" as separate posts. Here's the 5th Difference: I try to answer this question; in the crisis of finding ourselves unhoused and unsure of where to go, how does each city respond to such a traumatic and devastating event? Whenever someone faces homelessness for the first time: It's daunting! It's scary! It's traumatic! It doesn't matter if you're alone or in a family, when the reality of being unhoused stares y...