Homelessness and it's EverPresent Reality!

A 69-year-old man lives in his car, he worries about his autistic son, and he sheds tears over not having a safe place for his child to come visit and spend nights. Two sisters, 19 and 21, were evicted from their home with no immediate place to go, so they’re now rotating in and out of the houses of their relatives and friends. A woman in her 30s sleeps under a bridge with her boyfriend. A man in his 60s just up the hill sleeps under a canopy of trees. And then on the other side of the hill, a woman in her 50s sleeps in her car. And then a little further down the street, a man in his 40s has set up his tent by the river. These people are real. The struggle is real, every day, people make their way to agencies, seeking housing that is appropriate, safe and affordable… They wait and wait and wait, joining a list of thousands of unhoused people needing, hoping, seeking… …because, the many hotels used for emergency housing, which mainly cater for families experiencing homelessness are full...