A Never-Ending Roller Coaster

This week has been crazy. There's been SO much happening, it's been a roller-coaster of activity. It''s only Tuesday, but there's been too many highs and lows, too much depressing news, BUT there's also been plenty of encouraging rays of light sprinkled throughout these couple of days. That's the way it's been! Non-stop action, and that's my life at the shelter. Always on the move, trying to decipher the tornado of action that comes barreling toward me. Tackling it all, and praying I tackle it the right way, praying I use wisdom and praying that love flows from me! Death smacked us in our face; Walter was murdered in cold blood, suffering the fate of 8 bullets. ( link to what I wrote yesterday ) This was devastating news, but life in our little homeless community rapidly blasted on as usual. I felt I was living the evening news, where we hear horrible things and then automatically transition into joyful celebration. Working here means going up ...