Sleepless Bliss

The air remained stagnant in the stillness of the humid night. I lay awake, sweating profusely while every creature in the Midwest shouted their deafening praises to God. Cyrus slept soundly under his heavy blanket, oblivious to how he would whack his perspiring forehead against our tiny trailer's wall.

I was sleepless! I was in agony! I wanted to escape to the big trailer's air conditioning. But I couldn't. I wouldn't. It was his sleepout! It was his overnight with daddy! He was so psyched about our planned special time, he had rapidly chatted since we ventured into the dark, we had read by flashlight and it was imperative that I place this 7 year old boy's interest before mine!

As I lay listening to my son's gentle breathing, it dawned on me how vital, how important, how special and how influential I am to this little boy! No one can take that away! I am his father, Cyrus is my son and we are united by a special bond! I smiled up to heaven and continued my adventure of sweaty sleepless bliss!


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