He Came Expecting Something!

He came expecting something
He ended up getting something
But it was not "the something"
he thought was his destiny
he expected to be his right

He came with elitist arrogance
Looking down upon the mere peasants
Expecting royal treatment
Valiantly proclaiming from his throne
"I ain't like these lazy homeless bums"

Exclaiming "Give me what I deserve"
Staff simply cringed and smiled
having witnessed this reoccurring scene
Yet he needed to follow the same path
disgracefully sleeping amongst them all

He came expecting something
He ended up getting something
But it was not "the something"
he thought was his destiny
he expected to be his right

He stayed amongst the "peasants"
looked into their battle-scarred eyes
listening to their relentless stories
He watched his layers strip away
their humanity a new found revelation

He realized they were no different
he began accepting his prolonged fate
Through humility he started flourishing
finding newness in this loving community
who embraced his weakening power

He came expecting something
He ended up getting something
But it was not "the something"
he thought was his destiny
he expected to be his right

He moved on with this "new something"
Gently embraced by this homeless mob
as he sadly left now continually realizing
this community of rejected "peasants"
had given him long-lasting family

Elitism had confidently dissipated
Love had been emphatically embraced
Community was surprisingly found
Courage desperately clung onto him
Mercy wrapped itself around him

Now he smiles at "what once was"
memories of that simpler existence
the thing that caused tremendous fear
tumultuous weeks joyfully transformed
this homeless shelter's subtle redemption

He came expecting something
He ended up getting something
But it was "the something"
he needed at that time
he needed in his life!

By Choice now he humbly visits
they'd forgiven his arrogant elitism
by embracing him he'd embrace them
Compassionately he gives a little back
thanks the crew of unknown redeemers

He'd thought they were unworthy
not worthy to give him something
This humble gruffly looking mob
had given him a definite "something"
many somethings he never expected

Something cloaked with eternity!

He came expecting something
He ended up getting something
But it was "the something"
he needed at that time
he needed in his life!

A simple explanation:
This is a typical scenario over at Cornerstone, (mainly by relatively new people), that nudged me to write this little piece - it goes something like this:

"Listen Jeremy, I ain't like all these other cats, I can't do it! I can't sit around all day watching TV and playing pool. They're a bunch of lazy good-for-nothing homeless bums; going nowhere! I'm better that that."
I cringe and smile at the same time, because I've heard this phrase hundreds of times, mainly by new men and women trying their best to impress me. They think it is their right to get some special royal treatment; better mattresses, different food, dodge standing in lines, CTA and laundry cards whenever they ask and a host of other things they think they are entitled too!
Before they can promote their superiority too much, I cut them off, gently beg them to stop as I tell them we're not going to favor them, that their phrase doesn't impress me at all and, in fact, it does more to worry or anger me.
I conclude by telling them something like this..,,
"You're no better than any of these guys, and they're no better than you. You don't know their stories, or what they need, just as they don't know yours! You're all different; you all have different personalities, different pasts, different addictions, different stories and you're all traveling down different paths; you don't need to worry about them; that's my job, that's their concern, it isn't yours! You need to worry about you! Now, let's start again, so let's concentrate on you; why did you come to see me today?"

It works most of the time - and when they humble themselves, they receive unexpected blessings they never thought was possible at a homeless shelter!


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