...and they keep on successfully moving forward!

Successful movement keeps happening here at Cornerstone.....
and we are thankful! Very thankful!

It's not just homeless people signing their leases, getting their keys and moving into their own apartments; that's wonderful, but it's way more than just that....

So far, in the month of November....
  • We're thankful to have been able to help 19 people get their birth certificates and another 20 people get their State IDs. (Why's that important? read this: A Holistic Approach)
  • We're thankful to have been able to assist people with 19 "7 Day" transit cards; (these are people who have got employed this month and need help with transportation until they receive their first paycheck)
  • We're thankful to have been able to help people in different ways move into their new apartments; it could be financially helping them with their security deposit or ComEd bill, or it could be donating a bed or a box of food, or it could be physically helping someone move all their belonging into their new spot.
  • We're thankful for the many other things that happen every day; whether it's someone moving forward toward sobriety, whether it's someone with a chronic mental illness getting connected to the right people who can truly help them function in today's society, whether it's helping someone get some eyeglasses, or whether it's just giving an ear that listens....   
...these are just some of the things are happening at CCO every single day and we are helping people successfully move forward!
I am extremely thankful for what I am able to witness, because I know good and wonderful things are happening and hope is always abounding here at Cornerstone.

These photos below are two more people who have successfully moved into their own apartments within the last week; congratulations Vernell and Heather! Check out these Links for more photos: Encouraging Constant Movement! and CCO facebook page's "Successful Movement" album


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