Lasting Connections

Just a quick morning reflection:

On Monday, we held a memorial service for Walter. He had been fatally shot the Monday before. It was a beautiful service, and many people came, shed a lot of tears and reflected on his short life. Stories were told, scriptures were read, prayers were prayed, songs were sung and there wasn't a shortage of hugs.

As people shared, a reoccurring theme kept rising to the surface: Family! The Cornerstone family. A family of people brought together, because of a bond brought about by homelessness and poverty.

.... and there is NO mistaking it; this family loves and supports each other, deeply! A group of ostracized people united, clinging to one another through both the grieving and the celebrations.

It's hard to explain all the beauty that rises in our Cornerstone family. It took a horrific murder to remind me, but it's there, every single day! I am able to witness an amazing community of people, struggling together and lifting up the weak. I am also able to witness this family celebrate with their brothers and sisters, as they rise and overcome! The photo I posted reflects this; 2 friends who overcame many obstacles and are now celebrating their success. They are both now housed, each living in their own apartments, yet they also gained a family that will not disappear.

Families weep together; families rejoice together; families give and families take; families fight and families forgive; families remain together through the bitter and the good; families love each other; that's what I'm able to witness (daily) in our beautiful Cornerstone family.

... and I am honored, privileged and forever grateful to be part of this wonderful and beautiful family!


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