Muriwai's Special Get-Away.

This last weekend, our family went on a very long drive to attend a picnic in Harrison, Ohio! But it wasn't just any picnic, it was the annual Helping Hands Midwest get-together; an event that gives families with upper body limb differences the opportunity to come together and meet other families who have similar differences. Beth and I wanted Muriwai to meet other kids and adults who also have their own "special arms".

This was the first time we attended this picnic, and it definitely won't be the last! Every time we attend events like these, we are struck by the confidence, strength, courage and joy that radiates throughout this community. Waiwai exudes that energy, and she never stopped smiling and chatting throughout the whole weekend. That's how much she loved it! Big brother Cyrus thoroughly enjoyed the weekend also.

The weekend consisted of 3 events; an early afternoon picnic in a beautiful park, an evening Tony Memmel concert in a local hall and breakfast together in the hotel we all stayed in. During each event, we were blessed to be able to connect with people who call their unique arms, "lucky fins"; this term originated from the movie "Finding Nemo" and a great non-profit organization called The Lucky Fin Project, which supports and encourages families with upper body limb differences.

But now, I'll just let the photos and videos below tell the story of Muriwai's special get-away....
Muriwai flexing with "Notorious" Nick Newell; Nick is a professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter with an 11-1 record.
Nick's website:

Muriwai and Tony Memmel; he'd just finished singing the "Lucky Fin Song"
Tony's website:

Muriwai getting Nick's picture and autograph

Muriwai showing off her new t-shirt and signed photo

Nick's army! 
posing and showing off their "lucky fins", or WaiWai likes to say, "special arms"

Muriwai meeting Rebekah Marine: motivational speaker and amputee model
Rebekah's website:

Muriwai and Ryan Haack; he has a blog called "Living One Handed" and is currently writing a children's book called "Different is Awesome!".
Ryan's Kickstarter site: Different Is Awesome: kids picture book

Tony Memmel is signing WaiWai's special book for her.
I'm going to finish with these 2 video's; the first one (above) is from this year's Helping Hands Midwest picnic and shows Muriwai singing along. The 2nd one (below) is from last year and is found on YouTube. Enjoy....


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