Uptown's Hope Alley!

When people come to us to stay in our shelter, they are often in a state of desperation; all are homeless and over 80% percent of our residents are without income! They come seeking hope and answers!

When people from the neighborhood come to us for food, clothing and assistance, they are often in need; most are dealing with poverty, food insecurity and limited resources! They come seeking hope and answers!

This week, the people who came into our alley, found hope!
Hundreds of hungry tummies were filled.
Hundreds of tired bones found rest.
Hundreds had showers, got toiletries and fresh clothing.
Hundreds felt safe, found community and ongoing support!

This week, hope reigned, because there were some who were also blessed with keys to their new apartments, symbolizing a long journey of perseverance, through networking, case-working, finances, a whole lot of effort and a ton of love.....

Congratulations to Bernard, Cedric, Ali, Tim, Robert, Robyn, Anthony and Greg; for they all successfully moved into their own apartments the week I wrote this! You all did it; Yay!

And isn't this what the Kingdom of God is all about; Jesus calling us to "love our neighbors as ourselves", and "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me"


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