Please Remember this Christmas...

Please remember this Christmas… When Jesus was born, he was displaced and homeless because an occupying power demanded compliance… Please remember this Christmas… Shortly after Jesus was born, one of the most powerful men in the world and from his land spied on him and put a hit out on him… Please remember this Christmas… This power-hungry ruler slaughtered many innocent children because he was hunting a toddler he perceived to be a threat to the empire and his legacy… Please remember this Christmas… As the sadistic king launched an attack on children, the most powerful ruler in the world didn’t use his power to prevent it. The children and families of Bethlehem were victims of collective punishment and genocide… Please remember this Christmas… The parents of Jesus did everything in their power to keep their child safe and alive, and as a result, they took their youngster and fled their beloved country and became refugees in Egypt… Please remember this Christmas… While the Powers-That-...