He Lived Under a Bridge...
where trains roared overhead
He lived under a bridge…
because he said his house was haunted and he was afraid
He lived under a bridge…
because the voices got too loud and the images he saw became too terrifying
He lived under a bridge…
because he smashed all the windows of his house out of fear
He lived under a bridge…
because when he got kicked out of his house he had nowhere else to go
He lived under a bridge…
and we found him and supplied him with food and necessities and an offer to find suitable housing
He lived under a bridge…
and we kept on visiting him and saw his smile grow.
Hope started visiting him too!
He lived under a bridge…
and we drove him to his potential new home, where he signed the paperwork.
Hope grasped him all the more!
He lived under a bridge…
and we drove him again to pick up household items and he successfully moved into his new home
He no longer lives under a bridge!
He has people who stand with him and lift him up!
He has his own key and lives in his own place!
*This is a simplified story of a man I’ve had the absolute honour of journeying with: it’s a look into homelessness, mental health, outreach and the need for housing*