Imagine if Jesus ignored or assaulted the Samaritan woman at the well because she was not included in his tribe, because she worshipped in a different way and place, because she was a woman, or because of her 5 ex-husbands and current partner.
But Jesus did not ignore or assault her, he chose love, he accepted her, he included her, and he liberated her!
Imagine if Jesus decided to take the safe route by not preaching God's inclusive love of foreigners. imagine if he didn't point to the prophets Elijah and Elisha and how, through them, two perceived enemies were accepted and healed.
But Jesus didn't tell safe stories, he knew the danger and persisted in reminding his listeners that God's inclusive love goes well beyond their narrow stubborn toxic ways. Their hatred of the “other” caused an uproar, so they resorted to violence by trying to toss him off a cliff. This murderous attempt didn’t prevent Jesus from continuing to preach his message of radical acceptance!
Imagine if Jesus ignored the constant pleas for help. Imagine if he got up and joined the mob by chucking rocks at the woman caught in adultery. Imagine if he shunned or ignored or scolded or abused or bullied those with leprosy, those who were blind, those with disabilities or the man with the withered hand.
But Jesus didn't ignore or bully any of them, he chose love, he accepted them, he included them, and he liberated them.
Imagine if Jesus decided to align himself with the religious leaders. Imagine if he pursued money and power and exclusivity with the scribes and Pharisees.
But Jesus didn't join their elitist club, he knew God's love to be inclusive. He chose humility and servanthood. He spoke truth to power, by calling them “whitewashed tombs” and “blind guides”, by highlighting their corruption, challenging their hypocrisy, and rebuking their pride.
Imagine if Jesus called the police on the Canaanite woman who pleaded and begged he would heal her daughter. Imagine if he listened to his disciples and sent her away. Imagine if he chose retribution toward her and her family because of the complicated violent history between her nation and his nation.
But Jesus didn't cast her aside, he set her daughter free, he chose love, he accepted her, he included her, and he liberated her.
Imagine if Jesus decided to embrace the values of his day (and today), of exclusion and punishment of other ethnicities, of the poor, of the sick, of the oppressed, of the blind, of the imprisoned...
But Jesus didn't embrace these worldly values, he chose love over hate, he chose those marginalised, he accepted those they shunned, he included those they excluded, and he liberated those they enslaved.
Imagine if Jesus took up the invitation and dined with Herod. Imagine if he spoke the exact words Pilate wanted to hear. Imagine if he had played the games the religious and political leaders wanted him to play.
But Jesus didn't give his allegiance to Caesar or any of his gangsters, he chose love, he chose truth, he chose non-violence, he chose to side with the poor and oppressed, and as a result the power-hungry leaders lynched him.
Imagine if the Jesus revolution ended because of his brutal state-sanctioned crucifixion. Imagine if his life, torture, and execution vanished into the black. Imagine if his disciples just waited and waited and nothing ever became of his public lynching.
But Jesus didn't stay in the grave, he rose again and the Spirit descended on his disciples, bringing forth a loving revolution of thousands, where the oppressive barriers of inequality, racism, and exclusion were smashed.
Imagine if Phillip refused to chat with the Ethiopian eunuch because they had dark skin and were identified as neither male nor female. Imagine if Phillip ostracised them like everyone else had, so he refused to help them understand the scriptures. Imagine if Phillip refused to baptise them.
But Phillip didn't ostracise the Ethiopian Eunuch, he chose love, he accepted them, he included them, and he liberated them.
Imagine if Peter refused to acknowledge God’s vision of making the profane clean. Imagine if Peter refused to travel to see Cornelius because he was a foreigner and viewed him as unworthy.
But Peter didn't let his prejudice and dogmas suffocate him, he listened to the Spirit and helped champion God's love that shows no partiality.
Now… Imagine a world where Jesus' followers weren’t known for their hate and exclusion, but for their revolutionary love, liberating compassion and radical inclusion.