The raised revolutionary fist!

The raised revolutionary fist will remain but a fleeting illusion if it is unable to open its clenched fingers and lovingly lift up our sick, dying and brokenhearted neighbors; even our enemies. The raised revolutionary fist is nothing without Revolutionary Love!

The raised revolutionary fist must be a voice for the voiceless, a voice with the voiceless and a voice that lives and abides with the voiceless. The raised revolutionary fist is nothing without Revolutionary Love!

The raised revolutionary fist will lead the revolutionary down a very narrow path. The narrow path will get narrower. The narrow path is governed by Love in the form of the crucified and risen Messiah. The raised revolutionary fist is nothing without Revolutionary Love!

The raised revolutionary fist will fight the “powers that be” by becoming powerless before the Ultimate Power; strength and courage will come through love, humility, peacemaking and prayer. The raised revolutionary fist is nothing without Revolutionary Love!


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