"I Was Petrified"

"When I first came here I was petrified. Worried. Scared. I didn't know what to expect. I was rushed into a sea of people. I'd never been homeless before."
"I didn't like it; lines, no privacy, constantly waiting. I had to go with the flow. I had never experienced anything like this before. I was scared. I didn't know all these people around me."
"Then I decided to embrace it; not give in. I started living, relaxing, making friends, putting in applications. It started happening. It wasn't that scary. I joined the community. They cared, they accepted me." 

"I started enjoying myself and the people who surrounded me."

"Now look at me! Close to moving. That initial fear of many people, is now a fear of being alone in my own crib. I fear a loss of fellowship, community and friendship. I need others, but I need my own place too."
"It's time. I'm ready. But what can I do?" 

"that fear and worry is real. It'll take time. Again! In fact, it may take a little longer, because here, in the shelter, you are constantly surrounded by caring compassionate folk. In your own crib, doors and walls separate, but it'll happen. It will."

"trust me. It'll happen, that all important family, community and fellowship. Come back, eat meals, chill, play dominoes, don't be a stranger as you transition. You'll be alright Rick, you're still in the neighborhood, you'll be just a couple block away and we're still here for you! Do not be a stranger. Come visit!"
"that petrified beginning, ultimately turned into a mysterious blessing. It became something you would have never guessed."

"Move in peace my brother."


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