Linda lived under a bridge just down the road in a tent surrounded by many other tents. She was an elderly lady with a compassionate heart and an infectious sense of humour. She had a presence, a Chicago-style toughness, about her. She was a generous giver who didn't take "any crap", and she always let everyone know that she was not someone to mess with. Linda slept in her tent all year round, with her arthritic hips and swollen joints, on the cold hard concrete. She slept in the sweltering heat. She huddled under multiple blankets in the polar vortexes and blizzards. She stood steadfast when the police and politicians abused their power and bullied the Uptown Tent City occupants. She proudly wore her "Jail Rahm*" pin every day as a protest against the Chicago Mayor and the governing authorities. When people threatened her, she never cowered away. Her tent was her home and she stood her ground. Always! *Rahm Emanuel was Chicago's Mayor at the time. He was vi...